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Cathay Pacific

* I believe the principle of communication (i.e. +, - , X , ÷) would benefit my training skill and encourage more interaction among the participants.

* It is very impressive for Mr Lee to deliver the talk in such a professional manner. The seminar is so lively which arouses a lot of interest from all participants. I believe no one will feel boring and can learn something out of it.

* Interactive approach is very good for audience. A lot of examples and games show us different communication approach though they are very minor and people will not pay attention to.

* I think I am now better to cope with fear when I communicate with pax and to deal with problems that I encounter with pax.

* sales tips, the standing distance - eye contact - bodily contact (for female sales staff) are interesting techniques but true that it sometimes lead to successful sale.

* His way of presenting this topic. It's like a movie where different fragments (yes, fragments) sharing the same theme are presented to audience. Actually, I think he has successfully introduced some basic elements of communication from the perspective of different academic disciplines.(e.g. journalism, cognitive psychology, etc)

* one learning that I am able to apply in the job is what he mentioned one effective way of making good communication is through 'touching'. I've tried using this technique more when communicating to my colleagues and I think it does work.

吉林 李文杰

学会沟通, 提高公信力。 传媒为我所用, 找出传媒中真正的朋友, 负面导中, 永远可以找到正面事项, 抓住正面事项, 利用传媒, 宣传正面, 影响受众, 没有永远的负面。

青海 熊红慧

充分利用媒体, 变不利于有利, 化被动为主动。

中国共产党青海省海西州冷湖工作委员会副书记 栾风江

讲课具有很强的逻辑性和条理性, 用丰富的案例解读课程主题, (图、文、言并茂), 留下特别影响的是对语言的讲解, 包括语言, 语调, 身体语言, 语言技巧等, 总之课程讲的非常好, 受益匪浅。

长春市人民政府办公厅 薛小冰

李先生传媒经验丰富, 讲课生动, 对我启发很大。

新疆 曾毅次

李先生课程正面, 逻辑性强, 收获甚深。

成都 李伟

观念先进, 对处理问题方法极为有效。

武汉 陈小原

有效利用传媒, 对单位, 区域的发展都是非常重要的。提升外部沟通能力, 达到传媒为我所用的目的。

长春 王东亮

李灿荣先生, 闻君之言语, 受益匪浅, 每有获新知, 心中悦也。

广西 谢哲

课程安排极佳, 为今天工作当中遇到的难题提供了有力的应变方法, 尤其是变被动为主动。

Victor Ng
Toastmasters Club Chairman

潮流兴 Crossover ,作为沟通界先驱的灿荣兄也来个 Crossover ,这次是沟通与记忆的完美配搭。  


Message: 信息是演讲的灵魂,信息的深度视乎讲者本身的文化修为。善用灿荣兄的记忆法研习中国古文,定能提高学养。  

Organization: 信息需有条理的组织,才能让听觉易于理解。记忆技巧如 Mind Map 等再加上灿荣兄的商业管理分折模型,能系统地编排演讲内容。  

Delivery: 根据 Albert Mehrabian 教授的研究,当人们面对矛盾信息的时候,倾向相信 Non-verbal 信息。灿荣兄的代码法将能让你弃掉讲稿,让眼神及手部动作更自然,加强说服力。  

Effectiveness: 要有效沟通,必须令听者接受你。 Dale Carnegie 指出熟记别人的名字会令人更喜欢你。灿荣兄自创的九宫认人法能助你打开听者的心扉。  

Language: 精确的用字,漂亮的修辞,标准的发音,将令演讲更加完美。灿荣兄的英文音标图像记忆法,将改善你英语演讲的表现。  

以上五要素简称 MODEL 。  

天桥上的 Model 要穿名设计师 Crossover 的时装。要成为工作及生活中的 Model ,则要看沟通大师李灿荣的 Crossover 秘芨。  

你今日 Crossover 未 ?

Tong Siu-fun Mary

I met Mr. Li Chan-wing in a training seminar conducted by EMB in year 2006. I was one of the 28 candidates. The morning with Mr. Li ha d been that exciting which had i mproved the speed of accessing “ enabled communication skill” between people .

During the three hour session, I was indulged in the training techniques of Mr. Li which showed constructive procedures that can enhance our ASK (Attitude, Skill & Knowledge) of how to practice good communication in terms of being a positive Quality Reviewer.

Mr. Li was full of humors and could reserve rooms for discussions and more thoughts. He led the discussion groups in a unique way that allowed ideas to overwhelm each topic. His effort could be seen in full speed while at the same time showed helpfulness when need arose. I feel proud to become one of his learners.

After the lecture, I felt more secure, more flexible, in m any other of the management concerns that cross-cut function s purely adaptable and adequate. I nstead of contemplating the many joys that was found in the class — the sunlight reflecting off Mr. Li's influence and impact on being an extremely positive trainer was prevailing my mind, even wanted to hear more from him.

朱耀晖 学生


零五年,李灿荣获邀到当时我就读的香港中文大学 — 东华三院社区书院新闻系任教,我有幸亲身与他接触。



